We help blue-chip, marketing organisations realise their potential

Name the change

When Twinings was undergoing organisational change, they looked to Realise to help ensure its new marketing structure fitted with strategic business objectives as well as individual personal goals. We began by mapping the redesigned structure to business goals and growth drivers to establish whether the team was set up to deliver them. Then we identified a range of alternative design options for Twinings that would ensure the marketing organisation was fit for purpose now and in the future, both for the business and the individual.

Make it stick

With a preferred structure chosen, we undertook a capability review to benchmark where the current team were, and define their fit within the new structure. The new design had a degree of flexibility built into it, identifying opportunities for development and specialist knowledge, and allowing lateral and vertical growth for employees. Finally, we developed role profiles for all roles, stipulating the skills and experience required, and key responsibilities.

Questions we’ve answered...

How do you know if good is good enough? Measuring and tracking the capability of your team.

See the answer
How can we write better commercial plans in less time with less pain?

See the answer
How can we improve the effectiveness of our recruitment process?

See the answer
How do you bring local markets together around the world to develop a global campaign that works for all?

See the answer
How can you affect long-lasting change in an organisation, which is globally dispersed?

See the answer
Find out how we can help your team reach its potential...

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